[TYPO3-mvc] TYPO3 backend is irrespective of value objects?

Sebastian Fischer sf at marketing-factory.de
Mon Jan 3 14:06:22 CET 2011

Only alternaty would be to use a hooks that extends the evaluation which 
then prevents the saving by invalidating the creation attempt.

= 'tx_yourobject_processDatamap';

class tx_yourobject_processDatamap {
	public function processCmdmap_preProcess(&$command, $table, $id, 
$value, $pObj) {}

In this case the $command must be set to null if the value already 
exists. That prevents further processing.

Hope it was explained well enough.


On 03.01.2011 12:02, Stefan Isak wrote:
> Hey Sebastian,
> thanks for your hint, even if I'm not sure if it's really a workaround.
> Using eval = unique won't prevent TYPO3 from creating the record. What actually happens is, that TYPO3 increments values.
> E.g. saving twice an object having just one property with a value 'work' creates two records 'work' and 'work0'.
> Does that mean there is no way right now to handle this and I can't properly use the TYPO3 backend for editing purposes whenever my domain design contains value objects?
> Greetings
> Stefan

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