[TYPO3-mvc] domain objects and mysql-aggregation attributes

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Mon Feb 21 18:15:04 CET 2011

Am 21.02.11 14:12, schrieb Franz Koch:

> you could add a getMaxScore property, iterate over all scores and return
> the highest one fetch the highest score for a game via a call to a
> scoreRepository inside your getter.
> Or use a viewHelper that's internally doing one of the mentioned things
> (or probably triggering a highScore service etc. which is doing one the
> mentioned things).

Unfortunatelly each game has ONE score (score is no domain object). 
Therefore it seams unnatural to have a getMaxScore method inside the 
game class.
I guess that maybe it would be better to not use ORM for things like 
showing highscores, because it seams to me that a highscore is nothing 
persistable or even writable, its just a calculated array of data.

I solved this issue by:
SELECT g.*,MAX(g.score) as score
				FROM fe_users u
				INNER JOIN 	tx_ajadodpm_domain_model_game g ON g.user1 = u.uid
				WHERE	g.crdate > 0 AND
						g.deleted=0 AND
						g.hidden=0 AND
						u.deleted=0 AND
						u.disable=0 AND
						g.user2 = 0
				GROUP BY g.user1
				ORDER BY MAX(g.score) DESC
				LIMIT 0, 100";

the first selection of "score" is overridden by the second one -> when I 
access {game.score} in the view, I get my highscore

Best Regards
Stephan Petzl

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