[TYPO3-mvc] NumberChoiceViewHelper

Marc Bastian Heinrichs typo3 at mbh-web.de
Sun Feb 20 11:32:34 CET 2011


> But we i think in my case we have more than two states:
> We have at least 0, 1, and infinite+.
> And i would like to substitute some arguments dynamically.
> Since i like symfony very much, i converted the
> NumberChoiceViewHelper of symfony to fluid.
> With this solution we have to call it this way:
> <prod:format.numberChoice
> text="{f:translate(key: 'numberOfArticles', default: '[0]No Articles >
in this category|[1]There is 1 article in this category|(1,+Inf]There
> are _number_ articles in this category')}"
> arguments="{_number_: category.numberOfArticles}"
> number="{category.numberOfArticles}" />
> What do you think about it?

I like the idea of an NumberChoiceViewHelper and Christian Zenker
already backported the Symfony helper
Btw. same argument names like you used.

But I don't think, that the notation of the conditions follows the
general approach of fluid.

Marc Bastian

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