[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase, SOAP and caching - howto?

Søren Malling soren.malling at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 09:59:54 CET 2011


I would like to build a Extbase extension, where I will need to
retreive data from SOAP calls. As data aren't (at least not have to)
come from a model (table) should i consider some sort of storage
backend (overkill?) for received data? What about repository?

In the extension we got today, the SOAP calls are performed on every
visit. I would like to introduce a cache layer, so it doesn't request
more than needed. How should this cache layer be configured. How do i
determine if there's a new record from the SOAP call, do i compare a
latest record to what I got cached or what is best practise?

I hope that people will find this thread interesting and can help with
knowledge on the topic :)

Best regards,

Søren Malling

TYPO3 Brugergruppe Danmark: www.typo3danmark.dk
Twitter: twitter.com/sorenmalling

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