[TYPO3-mvc] unset relation

Peter Niederlag typo3-list at niekom.de
Thu Feb 10 16:49:02 CET 2011

Hello Franz,

Am 10.02.2011 16:20, schrieb Franz Koch:
> Hey Peter,
> nice workaround, but there should of course still be builtin way to
> achieve this.

+1 ;)

> IIRC there where some changes in that area after 1.2.0,
> but I'm not entirely sure.
> What would be the suggested way/behavior in your eyes. Which value
> should trigger the deletion? I think '' and 0 shouldn't alter the
> relation, but maybe a -1 could indicate a deletion? Does anybody know
> how this is done in FLOW3?

If property is set/submitted then IMO options for deletion/unsetting 
could be '0', '', '-1' or 'NULL'. My Favorites probably would be '' 
and/or 'NULL'.

However Validation needs to be taken into account as well(does the model 
allow an empty/NULL relation?)! Btw from kickstarted Model unsetting a 
relation is not possible at all IMO(?).

So existance of method('unsetXxxxxx') could be a way to handle it(?).

Na, it is quite complex and tricky...

Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *

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