[TYPO3-mvc] form field name collides with a previous form field name

Stefan Franke stefan.franke at gmx.co.uk
Thu Aug 4 16:37:50 CEST 2011

Dear all,
I keep getting an error message which I don't understand:

"The form field name "tx_xyz_pi1[image]" collides with a previous form field name which declared the field as array. (Array overridden by String)"

The Fluid template looks like this:

<f:form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" name="image" action="update" object="{image}" arguments="{article: '{article}', image: '{image}'}">
	<f:form.textbox property="title" value="{image.title}" />
	<f:form.textbox property="caption" value="{image.caption}" />
	<f:form.textbox property="credits" value="{image.credits}" />
	<f:form.submit value="save" />

To examine what leads to the exception being thrown, I put some echos into the core code of the extbase framework.

function generateRequestHash (in RequestHashService.php):

if ($i == count($formFieldParts) - 1) {
	echo "part: ".$formFieldPart."<br />";
	if (isset($currentPosition[$formFieldPart]) && is_array($currentPosition[$formFieldPart])) {
		echo "currentPosition: ".print_r($currentPosition[$formFieldPart],1)."<br />";
		echo "is_array: ".is_array($currentPosition[$formFieldPart])."<br />";
		throw new Tx_Extbase_Security_Exception_InvalidArgumentForRequestHashGeneration('The form field name "' . $formField . '" collides with a previous form field name which declared the field as array. (Array overridden by String)', 1255072587);

So I got this:

part: title
part: caption
part: credits
part: __identity
part: article
part: image
currentPosition: Array ( [title] => 1 [caption] => 1 [credits] => 1 [__identity] => 1 )
is_array: 1

I really don't know what's going on or what to do with this information now and hope that someone here knows the solution to this problem or where I have to start looking.

Thanks for your help!


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