[TYPO3-mvc] [Extbase] override type definition

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Mon Sep 6 13:03:19 CEST 2010

Am 06.09.2010 12:46, schrieb Claus Fassing:
> I read the Extbase/Fluid book of you and Jochen and it reminds me on
> some place to Java, so I thought I could use something like Object<?>  :)
Java/C++ Generics are great. But not supported by PHP.
Extbase uses the same syntax to detect the type out of the doc-comments.
This is nothing php does or supports.

I think support for generics and a config-option for "hard" typing woudl 
be the greatest benefits of any improovements which could be made.

Until then there is no chance to do so.



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