[TYPO3-mvc] FlexForm Values

Thomas Hempel thomas at typo3-unleashed.net
Thu Sep 2 12:54:16 CEST 2010


I have a new problem with ExtBase.

I have added a flexform to my plugin (which was difficult enough!!!) 
with a single field.
As far as I know, the flexform data should be merged into the settings 
property of the controller, right?

Well, that does not happen! If I debug my controller I can see that it 
loaded the data of the plugin somehow:

protected 'request' =>


       protected 'contentObjectData' =>
           'uid' => string '62' (length=2)
           'pid' => string '114' (length=3)


           'pi_flexform' => string '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" 
standalone="yes" ?>
         <sheet index="sDEF">
             <language index="lDEF">
                 <field index="template">
                     <value index="vDEF">media</value>

As you can see, there is a field in the pi_flexform field of the record 
and is not empty. But unfortunately my settings property is empty!

What is wrong here?

I use the most recent core trunk.

Thanks and Greets,

P.S.: I have to admit that I'm pretty pissed at the moment. Extbase 
makes such a incomplete impression that it's hard for me to believe that 
this should be future of TYPO3.

 From my point of view it's horrible to work with Extbase at the moment. 
Everything takes so much longer to implement, mainly because it's 
impossible to debug it.
It took me several hours to figure out how to add the FlexForm to my 
plugin in the first place just because the $_EXTKEY differs to what 
TYPO3 expects. ^^

I know that a lot of time was invested into this project. That makes it 
even more sad that seems like a techdemo that can't be used for more 
than simple listing of records.

Sorry Jochen and Sebastian (and all the others who worked on this) for 
saying this. I hope you don't take personal. :-)

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