[TYPO3-mvc] feature suggestion open to discussion
"Christian Müller [kitsunet]"
christian at kitsunet.de
Thu May 27 01:37:23 CEST 2010
Hi all,
I was just looking into the blog_example (again) because it didn't work
in a current install for me (but that doesn't matter now). Then I saw
the code for Tx_BlogExample_Domain_Model_Blog and I think there should
be some new feature as this class mainly consists of getters and setters
that do nothing special.
Probably there was already a lengthy discussion about magic
setters/getters somewhere and anyway such a change probably would have
to go into FLOW3 first and then be backported, still I would like to
start a small discussion here.
My idea: have some phpdoc annotation that results in a "magic" getter
and/or setter for a class property (something like @magic get / @magic
get,set). That could save a lot of simple, repeating code and you just
don't have getters and setters for everything but just the properties
you decide you want to have a magic method for... It's just an idea and
not well thought about in terms of actually coding it, but I would be
willing to try ;-)
If there is something like that already, please give me a hint...
Thanks for feedback,
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