[TYPO3-mvc] Translation handling a bit too strict?

Andreas Kiessling kiessling at pluspol.info
Wed May 12 16:50:41 CEST 2010

One more thing about handling of translations:

In combination with DAM, i stumbled upon another problem. The DAM record 
is configured in TCA with

'img_name' => txdam_getMediaTCA('image_field', 'img_name'),

additional config for the field:

$TCA['xyz']['columns']['img_name']['label'] = 
$TCA['xyz']['columns']['img_name']['config']['size'] = 1;
$TCA['xyz']['columns']['img_name']['config']['max_items'] = 1;
#needed for extbase
$TCA['xyz']['columns']['img_name']['config']['foreign_table'] = 'tx_dam';
#needed because prepend_tname is not supported
= 'xyz';

The model from xyz table is then connected to a very basic DAM model and 
the generated query from extbase looks like this:

SELECT tx_dam.* FROM tx_dam_mm_ref LEFT JOIN tx_dam ON 
tx_dam_mm_ref.uid_local = tx_dam.uid WHERE ((tx_dam_mm_ref.uid_foreign = 
'1' AND tx_dam_mm_ref.ident = 'image') AND tx_dam_mm_ref.tablenames = 
'xyz') ORDER BY tx_dam_mm_ref.sorting_foreign ASC

This returns the right record, but fails to do the translation overlay, 
because "$query->getSource()" returns tx_dam_mm_ref, and not tx_dam

Do i have a misconfiguration here?

If it would work, than the setting for fetching language overlays needed 
to be configurable, because a DAM record cannot be set to -1 / all and 
so wouldn't return a record, if it is not "translated". This is 
certainly the desired behavior for most of the extensions, but here it 
complicates the handling of assets.

Any hints on how to deal with that? I searched the mailing-list and 
bugtracker, but didn't find any hints about it.


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