[TYPO3-mvc] Inline ViewHelper in the f:link.page ViewHelper

Sebastian Kurfürst sebastian at typo3.org
Mon Mar 29 09:04:27 CEST 2010


> How can i achieve this goal with the f:page.link viewHelper?
> I tried something like that:
> <f:link.page pageUid="9" additionalParams="{redirect_url: {f:link.page
> {pageUid:68, section: 'article_{article.uid}'}}} ">
It will get a little ugly ;) you need to quote the f:link.page
ViewHelper -- and you need to escape the quotes inside there. And you
used {} after the ViewHelper name, but you need to use () :-)

<f:link.page pageUid="9" additionalParams="{redirect_url:
'{f:link.page({pageUid:68, section: \'article_{article.uid}\'})'}">

Hope this helps,

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