[TYPO3-mvc] folder structure

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Wed Jun 30 12:36:42 CEST 2010

Franz Koch wrote:


> afaik any php file inside "Classes" will be autoloaded by extbase

That's not completely true. Not _all_ classes will be loaded by default 
but they're only loaded when needed (which is a good thing).
So, for the autoloader to work correctly, you'll need to follow some 
naming convention. That is:

a class "Tx_MyExtension_Foo" is located in 
"myextension/Classes/Foo.php", a class "Tx_MyExtension_Foo_Bar_Baz" in 
"myextension/Classes/Foo/Bar/Baz.php" and so on.

Regarding the question of where to put helper classes, you would mostly 
either put them into a service class (e.g. 
"Tx_MyExtension_Services_SessionService") - as Nikolas stated. Or even 
into a dedicated extension so it can easily be used in multiple places.

Good luck

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