[TYPO3-mvc] RFC #8050: allow object properties to be optional (ie empty)

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Thu Jun 3 21:13:22 CEST 2010

Pascal Jungblut schrieb:
> Hey Martin,
>> When a model has validators the value may never be empty.
>> Solution:
>> Honour the @optional annotation for a property.
> I've had the same issue and suggested to allow chaining of validators with AND and OR. Well, Robert had a very easy solution for this [1]; Just make the argument optional:
> public function setFooBar($foobar = NULL) {
> That worked for me so far, meaning that properties only get validated if they contain something.

That doesn't work for me:

class Tx_BallroomDancing_Domain_Model_Medium extends Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity {

	 * The medium's year of production.
	 * @var integer
	 * @validate NumberRange(startRange = 1900, endRange = 2100)
	protected $year;

	 * Sets the medium's year of production.
	 * @return void
	public function setYear($year = NULL) {
		$this->year = $year;


This code will still yell if year is not within 1900-2100. I also tried setYear($year = 0), but also
to no avail.

Note that Robert talks in his post about optional controller arguments. I'm talking about object
properties that can be empty (so optional is perhaps misleading).


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