[TYPO3-mvc] Fluid - is there a way to check if an object is the first or last object?

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Thu Jul 29 16:04:58 CEST 2010

Martin Kutschker wrote:

Hi Masi

>> I was skeptical about "cycle" as well, but actually it's the correct word for it IMO. A for loop
>> through all months of a year has 12 cycles (Durchläufe).

> I thought it would be just one cycle or two if you have a span of two years.

Well, I think that's a matter of definition. If you loop through 
*months* of two years that makes 24 cycles... and two year cycles ;)

>> Or what would you suggest?

> "counter" (which implies IMH that it starts with 1).

True, that could be a name too..
I hope, you can live with "cycle" (I think, it implies that it starts 
with 1 as well). Or would you vote to change it?


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