[TYPO3-mvc] object Storage

Christian Schwan - Dimme GmbH christian.schwan at dimme.ch
Thu Jul 29 09:44:57 CEST 2010

He guys,


can anybody tell me how i update/delete an object storage? I wanne
update/delete the items (Object Storage) over the the OfferController.



My model: 




* @var Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage<Tx_Crm_Domain_Model_Items>


protected $items;



                 * Setter for Items


                 * @param Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage $items One or
more Tx_Crm_Domain_Model_Items objects

                 * @return void


                public function
setItems(Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage $items) {

                               $this->items = clone $items;




                 * Adds a Item to this Offer


                 * @param Tx_Crm_Domain_Model_Items $items

                 * @return void


                public function addItems(Tx_Crm_Domain_Model_Items $items) {




My Fluid EDIT/UPDATE Template:


I tried to do items.{value}.qty, without sending a hidden uid, but somehow
the object Storage does not send the UID the the Controller!

<f:for each="{offer.items}" as="items" key="value">


 <f:form.textbox property="items. {value}.qty" value="{items.qty}" size="9"
additionalAttributes="{onkeyup : 'cal();'}" class="qtye" id="item_qty_0" />

 <f:form.textarea property="items{value}.description"
value="{items.description}" rows="1" cols="67" class="description"
id="item_description_0" <f:form.textbox property="items. {value}. price"
value="{items.price}" size="9" additionalAttributes="{onkeyup : 'cal();'}"
class="price" id="item_price_0">

<f:form.hidden property="items.{value}.uid" value="{items.uid}" /><input
type="button" class="delRow" value="Delete Row"/>


With the hidden UID form and the Setter (setUid) in Domain_Model_Items it


<f:for each="{offer.items}" as="items" key="value">


 <f:form.textbox property="items.{items.uid}.qty" value="{items.qty}"
size="9" additionalAttributes="{onkeyup : 'cal();'}" class="qtye"
id="item_qty_0" />

 <f:form.textarea property="items.{items.uid}.description"
value="{items.description}" rows="1" cols="67" class="description"
id="item_description_0" <f:form.textbox property="items.{items.uid}.price"
value="{items.price}" size="9" additionalAttributes="{onkeyup : 'cal();'}"
class="price" id="item_price_0">

<f:form.hidden property="items.{items.uid}.uid" value="{items.uid}" /><input
type="button" class="delRow" value="Delete Row"/>



Does anyone can help me out?



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