[TYPO3-mvc] Exception with fluid 1.1.0, typo3-4.3.4

Andreas Lappe nd at off-pist.de
Wed Jul 28 16:07:51 CEST 2010

On 28.07.10, Stefan Wild wrote:
> >#1224592343: Context has to be initialized with an array, NULL given.
> Same for me, except that it was on a productive system. I can't see
> anything I could change from the associated bug report at
> http://forge.typo3.org/issues/7053
> Best regards,
> Stefan

Hey Stefan,

I somehow missed this bug report. So either line 167 in TemplateView.php
(fluid) should read:

$variableContainer = $this->objectFactory->create('Tx_Fluid_Core_ViewHelper_TemplateVariableContainer', $this->variables);

Or viewData should really be initialized in AbstractView as Sebastian
mentions in the latest comment on the bug. Either way, I'd say this is a
present bug in fluid or extbase then...

So long
``Ursel had the ability, oft seen among sergeants, schoolteachers,
  wives, and other leaders of men, to scream for several minutes without
  letting up to replenish his lungs.´´
  [Neal Stephenson; System of the World]

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