[TYPO3-mvc] The value must be of type "Extension_model_name", but was of type "NULL".

Franz Koch typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Wed Jul 28 10:28:10 CEST 2010

Hey Daniel,

> When I click on submit I get this error message:
> Tx_Extbase_MVC_Exception_NoSuchAction
> An action "indexBackendAction" does not exist in controller
> "TX_BwShop_Controller_SupplierController".
> Of course the indexBackendAction does not exist - I haven't defined in
> my ext_tables.php and I don't plan to define it.
> if (TYPO3_MODE === 'BE') {
> /**
> *
> * Registers a Backend Module
> */
> Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::registerModule(
> 'web',
> 'tx_bwshop_m1', // Submodule key
> '', // Position
> array(
> 'Product' => 'indexBackend, new,create',
> 'Supplier' => 'new, create'
> ),
> );
> }
> The supplier controller has just 2 action new and create. Why the form
> is trying to access the indexBackendAction is a complete mystery for me.

If the object cannot be built or if the _hmac is invalid (IIRC) extbase 
is forwarding the request to the referring action/controller - but in 
your case this should be "Supplier->new" and not the index action.

Could you please debug your "switchableControllersAndActions" in the 
backend module? Maybe there is something wrong/missing.

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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