[TYPO3-mvc] question marks in custom queries

Thomas Mammitzsch thomas at visualworx.de
Tue Jul 27 14:48:41 CEST 2010

hi list,

if i use a custom query like this:

public function findByOptinCode($optincode) {
	$query = $this->createQuery();
                                     $query->equals('deleted', 0)


                 $result = $query->execute();

                 return $result[0]; //we only expect one result, so 
return only first row

i get no result because the sql statement looks like that:

SELECT  fe_users.* FROM fe_users  WHERE (fe_users.optincode = ? AND 
fe_users.deleted = ?) AND 
(fe_users.tx_extbase_type='Tx_Myext_Domain_Model_frontendUser') AND 
fe_users.pid IN (72)

why are there question marks inserted in the constraint?

regards, Thomas

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