[TYPO3-mvc] flashMessageContainer and localLang

mail at markus-guenther.de mail at markus-guenther.de
Mon Jul 26 17:14:00 CEST 2010


it is possible to use localLang Values in the Controller?

I am starting with extension development. so sorry for that easy
question. but for
me it is not so trivial to use a localLang value in the controller.

	 * List action for this controller. Displays all Appointments.
	public function indexAction() {
		if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid']) {
			$appointments = $this->appointmentRepository-
			$this->view->assign('appointments', $appointments);
		else {
			$this->flashMessageContainer->add('Your not logged in.');

Thx Markus

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