[TYPO3-mvc] Using Repository outside a controller

Michiel Roos [netcreators] michiel at netcreators.com
Sat Jul 24 12:00:05 CEST 2010

On 7/23/10 10:16 PM, Michiel Roos [netcreators] wrote:
> Have you gotten 'lazy loading' of related objects to work?

Ok, seems to be related to the same respectStoragePage issue.

I can work around it by defining a findBy function in the related item's
repository like so:

public function findByThing(Tx_NcgovVerseonris_Domain_Model_Thing
$agendapunt, $respectStoragePage = TRUE) {
	$query = $this->createQuery();
	return $query->matching($query->contains('things', $thing))
			->setOrderings(array('datum' =>

Then I have to manually get related objects by doing:

$things = $this->thingRepository->findByUniqueId($itemRecord['uid']);
$blurbs = $this->blurbRepository->findByThing($things[0], FALSE);

That gives me the blurbs that are related to things[0]

It's painful but it's a workable solution for the extbase shipping with

Met vriendelijke groet / Warm regards,

Michiel Roos
Chief Technical Officer
Netcreators: Open Source, Open Minds, Open People

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