[TYPO3-mvc] Howto check if an object exists in a objectstorage

Alex Bailey vile at planet-generals.de
Thu Jul 8 11:15:10 CEST 2010

Thanks Franz This really got me a big step forward :),
If I look if 2 objects exist in the storage my repository returns all 
objects which has either 1 or the other object, thats still not perfect 
but I think its the right way (is there something I have to mind when I 
use the In method on the query if I want the query to match all of the 
values and not just 1?



On 7/8/10 10:40 AM, Franz Koch wrote:
> // if the workfield property is n_n, try this:
> $query->in('workfield.uid', $filter->getWorkfields());

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