[TYPO3-mvc] Calling Extbase Controller/Action from scheduler task (CLI)???

roberto blanko robertoblanko at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 18:10:16 CEST 2010

> Hi Roberto,
> In my cli-script I needed extbase also only for persistence.
> I've done this by initialisation an dummy dispatcher. The method
> initializeConfigurationManagerAndFrameworkConfiguration
> of the dispatcher has to be set from protected to public for doing this.
> Regards,
> Marc Bastian

Hi Marc Bastian,

that's how I did it now. Thanks for your tipp. Of course editing the source
of extbase is quite a bullshitty way of doing things. But there doesn't seem
to be a nicer solution atm.

Another problem: I've installed the modified extbase-version as a local
extension in order to leave the system ext unharmed. As long as I'm not
using the CLI, the lokal version is used. But on the CLI TYPO3's scheduler
always uses the system extension. Any suggestions?


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