[TYPO3-mvc] MM relation table - additional data

Dennis Ahrens dennis.ahrens at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 5 13:06:03 CEST 2010

Hi list,

i have to following request in my model.

A DocumentTemplate has one to many DocumentTemplateElements.

A DocumentTemplateElement belongs to one or many DocumentTemplates.

A DocumentTemplateElement should have a outlineNumber, that is related 
to the relation between DocumentTemplate and DocumentTemplateElement.

What i'd like to achieve is a property related to my 
DocumentTemplateElement, thats value is written into the related 
MM_table. This property should only be set if the 
DocumentTemplateElement is fetched as child of a DocumentTemplate.

Has anybody experience with this request? Have seen that Franz has 
contributed a patch, that makes the MM_match_fields available when 
writing MM_tables. But the config seems to expect the value for the 
field directly written in TCA.

'MM_match_fields' => array('outlineNumber' => 'outlineNumberValue')

Any ideas how to configure the relation that the value is feteched out 
of the DocumentTemplateElement object on runtime?


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