[TYPO3-mvc] How to get the plain DB value of a relation field?

Franz Koch typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Thu Jan 28 11:59:57 CET 2010


>> Isn't that unneeded overhead? If I need persisted objects, i most likely
>> don't need raw access to the data, and if I need raw access I most
>> likely don't need it to be persisted.
> So in your model you don't want the (child) object. You want to access the property solely by the
> (external) identifier, ie the uid of the database row. Right?

yes, in this case a uid list of a group field containing tt_content 
records. My other opportunity would be to "quickly" implement 
singleTableInheritence and render tt_content via extbase/fluid. But this 
is simply not possible for this project (and not needed at all). So I 
only need the raw identifiers and render the tt_content records via TS.

With my patched version this is already working now. So I define in my 
model parameter annotations in which type I like to get the values - if 
I define f.e. "string" I get the plain string, if I define some class 
name or ObjectStorage, I get those just like before.

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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