[TYPO3-mvc] FLUID widget set
Franz Koch
typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Thu Jan 14 23:03:26 CET 2010
> I haven't even thought of too many details yet. For example: which of these widgets need a server
> side counterpart (AJAX)? How do they get their configuration?
Hmm, yes, the server side. I think extbase needs a AJAX/Widget
eId-dispatcher here, triggered via the URI. So all you do is to give the
widget the controller/action to trigger and the widget/extbase is
creating a URI appending this information and calling the appropriate
controller/action. The return values will most likely be JSON I think
(converted objects).
So AJAX enhanced widgets need besides of the general layout/styling
options the following options/parameters:
- action
- controller
- parameters (additional parameters)
- success/fail (JS calls or subparts to show/hide)
And for a basic AJAXloader viewHelper (loading dynamic content into
"static"/cached pages) the following parameters might be sufficient:
- controller/action
- success/fail (JS calls or subparts to show/hide)
- trigger (id of DOM element triggering AJAX)
- trigger type (hover,click,...)
- target (DOM object/id to load the AJAX content in - if HTML stuff is
dynamically loaded)
kind regards,
Franz Koch
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