[TYPO3-mvc] Performance of $persistenceManager->persistAll() (Dispatcher) and findAll() (Repository)

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Mon Jan 11 15:10:27 CET 2010

Franz Koch schrieb:
> Hi,
>> For the persistence manager, I am wondering if there would be a way to
>> enable/disable it, especially for views which are not modifying data.
> that's also something I'm interested in. It doesn't make sense to
> persist everything that's never edited in the frontend f.e. - so
> persistence by case.
> I also noticed that extbase is automatically deleting all MM relations
> between two objects and recreating them - although nothing changed etc.
> and no object has been edited in any way. That's again unnecessary
> overhead.

You find non-optimized code also in FLUID. I guess that stems from the
make-it-work-then-make-it-fast approach. Speed is probably no issue for v5 now (without even a
published beta of FLOW3), but of course it as an issue for those who want to use ExtBase/FLUID in
the real word.

While real-world experience of FLUID in v4 will lead most like to an enhanced version of FLUID in
both worlds I don't know what the plans for ExtBase are. Is it really meant for production or is it
only a testbed for DDD/MVC concepts of v5?


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