[TYPO3-mvc] FLUID: extended loop features

Franz Koch typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Thu Jan 7 12:09:44 CET 2010

Hi Sebastian,

seems like my answer hasn't been sent to the NG yesterday, so I post it 
again. If it's there but only my Thunderbird messed up, please respond 
to this posting that I can also see and ignore the other one ;)

>> yepp - assume you're rendering stuff differently based on some
>> >  if-conditions and are using f:cycle inside both.
> Let's see when somebody really needs this:)

I will for sure need it in a few days - when I finished the extbase part 
of the extension and start implementing the final layout in the 
templates. For now I only use basic fluid templates to check if 
everything's fine from extbase side (that objects are available).

I'll also for sure use partials to render mixed content in one go. 
Example: I need to display different content types in one listView and 
every content type shall be rendered by it's own partial. And inside the 
partials I'll need some "global" counter to a) use even/odd things and 
b) determine if it's the last element on the page or not.

Simply imagine it would be a regular typo3 page with different content 
elements (text, text with image, downloads,...) and all the CEs (with 
all their different models, once singleTableInheritence is implemented) 
shall be rendered by their own partial, but also beeing aware of 
even/odd themselves and at which place (first,last,...) they are.

So it's for sure useful and needed in more complex tasks than a blog ;)

That's why I wrote I don't need it "yet" ;)

I finished the fluid documentation yesterday and see if I can create a 
working viewHelper myself and share it for further discussion. Btw. in 
bed I came up with the idea of a "switch/case" viewHelper that might 
come handy now and then (might give it a try to myself).

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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