[TYPO3-mvc] Re: Getter/Setter generator for .jEdit

Nils Blattner nb at cabag.ch
Fri Feb 19 14:21:39 CET 2010

Note: You may just ignore this if you are not using .jEdit

As I said in my feedback post, I couldn't use Eclipse. But writing 
getters and setters without macro's is rather boring and drab.
So I made a regex + bean shell that does the trick:

When you have a property of the type

	 * The First Name
	 * @var string
	protected $firstName = '';

it will create a string after each property.

Sadly I had some problems with new lines in bean shell. So i just made 
it output {nl} which has to be replaced with a new line and voilà.

Regex: (\/\*\*\s*\*\s)([^\n]+)(\s*\*\s+\*\s\@var 
)([^\s]+)([^\/]*\*\/\s+protected \$)([^\s]+)([^;]*;)

-> _2 == desc, _4 == type, _6 == name


_1+_2+_3+_4+_5+_6+_7+"{nl}{nl}"+"	/**{nl}	 * Sets 
"+_2.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+_2.substring(1)+"{nl}	 *{nl}	 * @param 
"+_4+" $"+_6+" "+_2+"{nl}	 * @return void{nl}	 */{nl}	public function 
set"+_6.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+_6.substring(1)+"($"+_6+") {{nl}	 
$this->"+_6+" = $"+_6+";{nl}	}{nl}{nl}	/**{nl}	 * Returns 
"+_2.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+_2.substring(1)+"{nl}	 *{nl}	 * 
@return "+_4+" "+_2+"{nl}	 */{nl}	public function 
get"+_6.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+_6.substring(1)+"() {{nl}		return 
$this->"+_6+";{nl}	}"

After that: replace all {nl} with new lines

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