[TYPO3-mvc] Database queries/mapping with associated tables

Michael Ruhdorfer michael.ruhdorfer.1line at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 08:41:29 CEST 2010

hi all,

i'm afraid i don't really understand the way how extbase deals with database
i have a structure something like this:

- title
- employees*
- country*
- branches*

  - name
  - company*

  - name

  - name
  - regions*

    - name

* means that data is mapped from other tables

-> 1 company has n employees
-> 1 company is in 1 country
-> 1 company is in 1 region
-> 1 company has n branches
-> 1 country has n regions

i need a list with all employees something like that:

<:f foreach="{company.branches}" as="{branch}">
    employee {employees.name}: Richard Meyer
    company {company.name}: Industrial Electronics
    country {company.country.name}: Netherlands
    region {company.country.regions.name}: Friesland
    branches {branch.name}: Electronics
    branches {branch.name}: Electricity

that works so far
{branch.name} is only once inside the foreach - the data inside the {}
braces is just for relation demonstration

so because of the mapping it works with $this->companyRepository->findAll()
to access data the following way:
$name = $company->getName();

$employees = $company->getEmployees();
foreach($employees as $e)

now i want to filter the results by countries / branches / regions
i have been thinking on something like this:


but it doesn't work... i have to do that in the repository - not in the
model, right?
i'd be thankful on any hint,

thx, michael

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