[TYPO3-mvc] editAction doesn't work
typo3 at markus-guenther.de
typo3 at markus-guenther.de
Tue Aug 10 12:53:39 CEST 2010
i am a new and bein to program extension with extbase. I am in
industrial training but the most are programming pi base extensions. so
i hope that one of you can tell me why my updateAction dont work.
I want build a extension that offers users the possibility to subscribe
for appointments. A Appointment only have a date an some Timeslots and
the User can subscribe for a Timeslot and enter a name and a date.
But when i want to update a timeslot extbase can not find the object in
the repository. any id is not given so he can not know from wich object
it comes.
Timeslot controller:
* Displays a form to edit an existing timeslot
* @param Tx_XXX_Domain_Model_Timeslot $timeslot The timeslot to
* @dontvalidate $timeslot
public function editAction(Tx_XXX_Domain_Model_Timeslot $timeslot) {
$this->view->assign('timeslot', $timeslot);
* Updates an existing blog
* @param Tx_XXX_Domain_Model_Timeslot $timeslot The timeslot to modify
* @return void
public function updateAction(Tx_XXX_Domain_Model_Timeslot $timeslot) {
$this->flashMessageContainer->add('Your timeslot was updated.');
$this->redirect('index', 'Appointment');
MODEL for Timeslot:
class Tx_XXX_Domain_Model_Timeslot extends
Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractValueObject {
* time of a Timeslot
* @var string
* @validate NotEmpty
protected $time;
* name of a attendee at this timeslot
* @var string
protected $name;
* name of a attendee at this timeslot
* @var string
protected $phone;
* Setter for time
* @param string $time time of a Timeslot
* @return void
public function setTime($time) {
$this->time = $time;
* Getter for time
* @return string time of a Timeslot
public function getTime() {
return $this->time;
* Setter for name
* @param string $name name of a attendee at this timeslot
* @return void
public function setName($name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Getter for name
* @return string name of a attendee at this timeslot
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
* Setter for phone
* @param string $phone phone number of a attendee at this timeslot
* @return void
public function setPhone($phone) {
$this->phone = $phone;
* Getter for Phone
* @return string phone of a attendee at this timeslot
public function getPhone() {
return $this->phone;
class Tx_XXX_Domain_Repository_TimeslotRepository extends
Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Repository {
i use in the index.html from the appointment which is the entity.
<f:link.action controller="Timeslot" action="edit" arguments="{timeslot
: timeslot, appointment : appointment}">edit</f:link.action>
and the edit.html from timeslot contains this
<div class="XXX">
<f:flashMessages id="XXX-flashMessages"/>
<div class="XXX-appointment-edit">
<h2 class="XXX-appointment-header"><f:translate
key='tx_XXX_domain_model_timeslot.edit-head' /> - {timeslot.time}</h2>
<f:form method="post" action="update" name="timeslot"
<label for="time"><f:translate
key='tx_XXX_domain_model_timeslot.edit-time' /></label>
<f:form.textbox property="time" />
<label for="name"><f:translate
key='tx_XXX_domain_model_timeslot.edit-name' /></label>
<f:form.textbox property="name" />
<label for="phone"><f:translate
key='tx_XXX_domain_model_timeslot.edit-phone' /></label>
<f:form.textbox property="phone" />
<button class="std-button" type="submit" name="submit" value="edit">
<span><f:translate key='tx_XXX_domain_model_timeslot.edit-save'
<div class="clear"></div>
i hope this informations are enough to see what can be wrong.
The Errormessage is:
#1249479819: The "modified object" is does not have an existing
counterpart in this repository.
Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Exception_UnknownObject thrown in file
in line 174.
and my output with print_r print out before pressing the save button
Tx_Enetsubscribe_Domain_Model_Timeslot Object ( [time:protected] =>
14:00 [name:protected] => Günther, Ulrich [phone:protected] => -
[uid:protected] => 3 [_localizedUid:protected] => 3
[_languageUid:protected] => 0 [_isClone:private] => )
and after that
Tx_Enetsubscribe_Domain_Model_Timeslot Object ( [time:protected] =>
14:00 [name:protected] => Günther, Ulrich [phone:protected] => -
[uid:protected] => [_localizedUid:protected] => 3
[_languageUid:protected] => 0 [_isClone:private] => )
so thank for reading und i hope that one of you could help.
bye markus
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