[TYPO3-mvc] $query-count() bei suche mit JOIN / Sortierung deutscher Wörter

Stefan Isak stefanisak at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 9 12:42:42 CEST 2010


just to keep track of it.
Recently I stumbled upon the same issue: http://forge.typo3.org/issues/9073


Am 9. August 2010 10:53 schrieb Illi, Cornelius <
Cornelius.Illi at student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de>:

> I added some code to the getObjectCountByQuery() method in
> Typo3DbBackend.php:
>                if( !isset($statementParts['keywords']['distinct']) ) {
>                        $statementParts['fields'] = array( 'COUNT(*)' );
>                } else {
>                        $className = $query->getSource()->getNodeTypeName();
>                        $tableName =
> $this->dataMapper->getDataMap($className)->getTableName();
>                        $statementParts['fields'] = array( 'COUNT(DISTINCT
> '.$tableName.'.uid)' );
>                        unset( $statementParts['keywords']['distinct'] );
>                }
> That does solve the problem. If no one disagrees I gonna create a RFC for
> that.
> Cheers, Cornelius
> -----Original Message-----
> From: typo3-project-typo3v4mvc-bounces at lists.typo3.org [mailto:
> typo3-project-typo3v4mvc-bounces at lists.typo3.org] On Behalf Of Illi,
> Cornelius
> Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 3:29 PM
> To: TYPO3 v4 MVC project
> Subject: [TYPO3-mvc] $query-count() bei suche mit JOIN / Sortierung
> deutscher Wörter
> Hi everyone
> I am racking my head on two problems and could need your advice:
> First, I implemented a search-function, which also examines properties of
> aggregated objects. For example:
> SELECT u.* FROM u LEFT JOIN x WHERE (x.uid=1 OR x.uid=2)
> Where "u" is a company and "x" is an option. A company hence appears twice
> if it has both options.
> As for the actual query it is automatically resolved by a DISTINCT u.*.
> In the Count-Query ($query->count()) the DISTINCT is just put in front of a
> COUNT(*), which cannot work, the way it is supposed to.
> A COUNT(DISTINCT u.uid) or a GROUP BY u.uid would work, tough. I think that
> this is something that requires an extension of the framework, but I could
> be wrong.
> Furthermore, I'd like to know how you resolve comparison of german words?
> Usually words with german umlauts are put to the end, but a and ä should be
> in the same place.
> One possibility would be to put a "COLLATE 'latin1_german2_ci" to the end
> of a query, as the collation of the table itself isn't used for a
> utf8-connection. Any good solutions?
> Thanks & Kind regards,
> Cornelius
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