[TYPO3-mvc] Wondering about performance

Felix Oertel mehl at foertel.com
Wed Apr 28 11:10:42 CEST 2010


Am 28.04.10 10:13, schrieb Franz Koch:
> AFAIK @lazy is only applying to properties relating to other objects.

aight. it would not make sense to use lazyLoading anyway cause it would 
cost more resources then just storing the value *g*

> So you will always get all
> properties filled, which is quite useful though. Imagine somebody is
> using your extension and likes to display some other properties in the
> listView, but your stripped down models don't provide those?

lazyLoading != stripped down

you would still have access to those objects, they are just not 
instantiiated if you don't use them ... if someone else wants to use 
them, this would be no problem.

regards, foertel

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