[TYPO3-mvc] SOAP call using extbase

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at think-open.at
Mon Apr 19 21:08:09 CEST 2010

Jochen Rau wrote:

> So wrapping the "ProcedureCall" with a Domain Service would fit best IMO 
> as there is no persistence aspect.

Hello !

I have to admit that I do not have much clue about the whole stuff. I 
got it working using the MVC concept. Right now I create my second 
extbase extension which features a classical database repository. But I 
have not digged enough into what you call a "Domain Service".

If I understood the Repository concept correctly, you define a domain 
class which is an interface representing the entities of your data 
model. Then the repository makes methods like "store", "delete", 
"retrieve", etc. available which accept or deliver instances of the 
domain class? Correct?

But what would a domain service be?

I also had a look at the existing repository examples from the 
blog-extension to get a clue what the repository is for. In my case the 
final application should send a SOAP request containin the number of a 
prepaid-card and some merchant information (merchant name, pin, 
transaction number, etc) to a SOAP server to retrieve the current 
balance of such a prepaid card. Just to have a real-world example.

One could think of this as a repository. Where I call a 
"findCard(cardNumber)" method. But this is just a simple example. I do 
not really see from the blog example how I could query a repository (or 
SOAP service) for something requiring more parameters. Like 
"isCardValid" with parameters "cardNumber", "expirationDate" and 
"CVC-Number" like it is common for credit card transactions ...

PS: I rather like to always have some real world examples instead of 
knocking down each others heads with patterns, factories and other stuff 
sounding like some pieces of 19th century industrialization ;)


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