[TYPO3-mvc] viewhelpers: stripHTML & removeXSS - what should be tested?

Helmut Hummel typo3 at jhpc.de
Thu May 21 18:10:56 CEST 2009

Hi Andreas,

Am 20.05.2009 12:00 Uhr, schrieb Andreas Rieser:
> Am 20.05.2009 um 09:32 schrieb Helmut Hummel:
>> Aren't there testcases for removeXSS already? I think Steffen Kamper did
>> something about this?
> Yes, but no ^^ (look at his post)

Right, he did not implement it as unit tests, but I think it points to 
the direction what unit test should do when testing a function like 

>> Anyway, the view helper should call the t3lib_div function so the test
>> belongs there, not into fluid.
>> Regards Helmut
> So there shouldn't be any test to make sure that this call actually works?

So you want to simply write a test, that t3lib_div::removeXSS is called, 
no matter what the function call returns? I think this would be possible.

> And what about stripHTML - I mean it is just using one basic php
> function - the same for that?

Testing the output of strip_tags()? I'm no expert in unit testing, but 
this test seems obsolete to me.

When thinking about this, I now wonder if stripHTML and removeXSS should 
be implemented as view helpers at all.

Probably this belongs to the property validation framework, doesn't it?

Kind regards

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