[TYPO3-mvc] blog_example - caching issues?

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Wed May 20 14:22:15 CEST 2009

Steffen Kamper schrieb:

> i also think this magic is too complex, you never will cover all cases. 
> Ext author should decide when to flush the cache imho.

Well, maybe.

Just another thought which popped up while reading this thread: How 
about introducing a mechanism which allows you to cache a method call. 
Cache entries would be generated depending on the argument values of 
that method.

Example (FLOW3 style):

  * @param SomeClass $someObject
  * @return string
public function showAction(SomeClass $someObject) {
	$data = $this->getSomeExpensiveData($someObject, 'xy');

  * ...
  * @cacheable
protected function getSomeExpensiveData($someObject, $someOtherArgument)  {
	return 'something';

By that some sub-operations could be cached.

However, what's not solve of course is: How / when is the cache flushed? 
How does the controller know that its output can be cached alltogether?

I guess that the most realistic way to handle this is to let the user
define if an action can be cached (with @cacheable) and provide for some 
way to flush the cache again:

public function initializeAction() {
	if (foo()) {

Anyway, I haven't put too much thought into that yet, so feel free to 
come up with a better way ...


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