[TYPO3-mvc] ActionlinkViewHelper gone in v4 backport?

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Tue May 19 12:53:19 CEST 2009

Ingo Renner wrote:


> yeah, ... it just move ... use this one to create links now:
> <f:link.action action="new" controller="Vote" arguments="{idea : idea, 
> voteValue: 1}">Vote up</f:link.action>

Exactly.. we decided to move all link-related view helpers to the 
subfolder "link". All four link-view helpers have a related vh in "uri" 
that only returns the URI so you could write:
<f:uri.page />
to retrieve the URI of the current page.
And as soon as the "inline" syntax is backported you'll be able to write:
<a href="{f:uri.action(action='list')}">list</a>

> Would be great to let us know here about such changes in the future ;)

I know.. But I actually told you at T3DD ;)~
It changed so often in the last few days. But now that fluid is in the 
core we won't change the provided view helpers if not absolutely 
required (and then with proper documentation of course).

Talking of documentation: Sebastian wrote a "DocbookGenerator" that 
takes the arguments and docComments from the view helpers and generates 
an up-to-date documentation from it. We'll provide that with tx_fluid ASAP!


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