[TYPO3-mvc] Some questions

stefan.isak at konplan.com stefan.isak at konplan.com
Thu Mar 19 16:18:26 CET 2009

Hey Everybody,

first post, hurray.
I come along with a few questions. 

The lib/div extensions are totally obsolete, right?
Right now I have an extension based on div/lib. 
What do you think is the best approach to move on. I don't want to make an
effort in old structures and furthermore want to avoid producing code of 
earthly use. 
When do you think it becomes stable and is there a general roadmap for 

Or do you think it is the better way to move on with lib/div and try to do 
a clean 
migration when a stable typo4.3 is out there.

And whats about the new mvc extension by AOE media? 
Does everybody do his own MVC-framework or is it just a good way to 
already reusable code for typo3 4.2.x?

In the last revision of extmvc (#322) there is a small typo in 
TX_EXTMVC_Web_Response >   line 143 > public function 
When a try to test the blogexample that blows my mind up for a short 
while, because i am 
not really familiar with the new structures.
And there is still the old method name in blogexample > 
TX_Blogexample_Controller_PostController.php > line 125

So long
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