[TYPO3-mvc] Fatal error due to "recent" changes in Fluid and/or Extbase

Sebastian KurfŸürst sebastian at typo3.org
Mon Jun 29 09:17:16 CEST 2009

Hi Xavier,

> Could someone explain me what changed? For this very case, I'm not using 
> fully Extbase nor Fluid, I just instantiate it myself. And it worked 
> great until recently.
Yep, we changed the way Fluid is instanciated recently. Because this was 
no public API, we knew that stuff could break.

If you look into Tx_Fluid_View_TemplateView, you'll see what changed: 
You now need to pass a "rendering context" to the parsed template 
(buildRenderingContext() ), else you will get exceptions thrown.

> Moreover, if I refresh the page, the error is gone and the content is 
> well displayed. Funny, if I clear cache, show a page containing another 
> plugin using Fluid, and then I show the page that has the Catchable 
> fatal error (another Fluid/Extbase plugin), then it works without the 
> fatal error.
That's strange behavior... Could you post the error messages here?


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