[TYPO3-mvc] findByUid causes an enableFields() issue

Benno Weinzierl benno_weinzierl at web.de
Tue Jun 23 20:45:04 CEST 2009


The original problem is the missing model-classes for all system-tables 
(e.g. fe_users, fe_groups, ...)
There should be a set of these predefined models shiping with the extbase in 
my opinion. These Models should bei extendable in a user extension.

A quick way to fix this issue would be some validation (e.g. checking if 
childClassName is defined in TCA) of the tca before resolving the relations 
to these system-tables (which happens not (yet) by laisy loading).


"Sebastian Gebhard" <s.gebhard at markenmotiv.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1245079990.12653.typo3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi *,
> i have a CarRepository in which I have this method:
> function findCars(){
> $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid', 
> 'tx_autoadmin_domain_model_car', 'upload = 4', '', '',25);
> while($car=$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)){
> $cars[] = $this->findByUid($car['uid']);
> }
> return $cars;
> }
> Right now it's pretty plain, but I want to implement several filters and 
> search features with this method.
> Since I set findByUid into the code, the output is the following:
> "NO entry in the $TCA-array for the table "". This means that the function 
> enableFields() is called with an invalid table name as argument."
> Somehow at any place a table name seems to be missing.
> This application works has its own backend module yet which also lists, 
> manipilates etc the records, and it works well in TYPO3 list module, so I 
> guess there's no TCA missconfiguration.
> Where should i start to search? 

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