[TYPO3-mvc] Possibility to let Extbase-Ext return an array?
Bastian Waidelich
bastian at typo3.org
Thu Jun 18 21:35:05 CEST 2009
Joerg Schoppet wrote:
Hi Joerg,
> So all the possible different outputs are only different views in a MVC
> approach, e.g.:
> - html-output (actually)
> - csv-output
> - xml-output
> - json-output
> - php-array-output
> - ...
You couldn't output PHP in your view because it would be parsed on the
server. Sure, you could have something like a "serialized php array"
view but IMO that's like breaking a fly on the wheel.
What you actually need (If I got it right) is an API. In your case, an
API that allows you to fetch products or categories (or products by
category etc).
Luckily your model already provides such API.
I've just tried it out by creating a 2nd level menu with all available
Blogs in the blog_example.
If you want to try it out yourself, just follow this little mini-tutorial (:
1. create a class "class.tx_blogexample_menuitem_procfuncs.php" with
following content:
class tx_blogexample_menuitem_procfuncs {
public function createBlogMenuItems($menuArr, $conf) {
$this->blogRepository =
$blogs = $this->blogRepository->findAll();
foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
$queryParams = '&tx_blogexample_pi1[blog][uid]=' .
(integer)$blog->getUid() .
$item = array(
'uid' => $conf['targetPid'],
'title' => $blog->getName(),
'_ADD_GETVARS' => $queryParams,
$item['ITEM_STATE'] = 'NO'
$menuArr[] = $item;
return $menuArr;
2. Add following TS to your menu setup:
includeLibs.tx_blogexample_menuitem_procfuncs =
lib.myMenu = HMENU
lib.myMenu {
1 {
wrap = <ul> | </ul>
NO.wrapItemAndSub = <li> | </li>
2 < .1
2 {
itemArrayProcFunc = tx_blogexample_menuitem_procfuncs->createBlogMenuItems
itemArrayProcFunc {
targetPid = {$blogIndexPid}
3. set blogIndexPid to a uid containing the blog_example in your TS
ready is your fancy cached Blog-menu ;)
BTW: You can't name the userFunc like "Tx_BlogExample_...", because
tslib_cObj:callUserFunction() checks, whether the class starts with
"tx".. lowercased - that should be fixed in TYPO3 core IMHO..
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