[TYPO3-mvc] Thoughts regarding Extbase-Backend-Module

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Jun 16 12:02:57 CEST 2009


Christian Müller (Kitsunet) schrieb:
> I am interested in working on this, as I plainly hate the current way to 
> work with BE Modules. So give me some starting point and I will gladly 
> help.

fine, you're welcome.

The next steps will be, that i write a simple BE module and place it in 
blogexample. It won't work, but shows the file structure.

After a conferrence with Jochen we decide to define a register method 
with all needs, a file in core like the mod.php so the module gets an 
unique URL. The dispatcher used could be the same, only some parts like 
the requestBuilder has to be different.

We like to implement it step by step, so in the first step we 
concentrate on using extbase for be module in general. If that works as 
expected we'd like to use fluid in 2nd step, creating the viewhelpers 
needed for BE module.

All of this work should be transparent and of course community driven, 
so anybody can participate, blogexample will be the place where the 
module reside.

vg Steffen

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