[TYPO3-mvc] Conceptual Question with RELATION_HAS_ONE

Jochen Rau jochen.rau at typoplanet.de
Fri Jul 3 11:47:36 CEST 2009

Hi Jeff.

>>> Inside the extbase test cases,
>>> Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Mapper_DataMap_testcase contains a TCA
>>> definition for a blog author that references an author table rather
>>> than just being an input field as it is in blog_example. Since it's
>>> already in the test case, seems like a good example for my question :)
>>>> 'author' => array(
>>>> 'exclude' => 1,
>>>> 'label' =>
>>>> 'LLL:EXT:blog_example/Resources/Language/locallang_db.xml:tx_blogexample_domain_model_blog.author',
>>>> 'config' => array(
>>>> 'type' => 'select',
>>>> 'foreign_class' => 'Tx_BlogExample_Domain_Model_Author',
>>>> 'foreign_table' => 'tx_blogexample_domain_model_author',
>>>> 'maxitems' => 1,
>>>> )
>>>> ),
>>> From what I can see of the persistence framework (both in trunk and
>>> in persistence rewrite) it expects that this simple relation also
>>> provides a foreign_field and foreign_table field so that the relation
>>> is saved in the child table rather than the parent table.
>>> This of course doesn't match the blog model that would allow the same
>>> author to be assigned multiple blogs and doesn't work with the
>>> backend select type that saves a UID directly in the parent table.

You are right. This is indeed a misconception inside Extbase. The whole 
process from $TCA to the Data Map to the Domain Object is on my list. By 
now I concentrated on the Data Map to Domain Object part.

>>> It seems like I must be missing something obvious here so if anyone
>>> can enlighten me, it would be greatly appreciated ... and if the
>>> answer is "I'm busy...wait for the persistence rewrite to get done
>>> and it will all work" that's perfectly fine too ;)

> Hopefully, we'll get some word on the *right* way to do this soon.

Yes. Definitely. I am going extend the Blog Example with an Author Class 
this evening to test different concepts it in "real life". I will give 
you feedback asap.


Every nit picked is a bug fixed

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