[TYPO3-shop] tt_products 2.7.0 JS-Error

Niels Tiedt typo3_coder at arcor.de
Tue Mar 25 09:43:29 CET 2008

Sorry for my late post
The problem was not the js you mean but it was the etracker-js-code.
Niels Tiedt
> You have added a JavaScript
> 	// JS function for mouse-over
> function over(name,imgObj)	{	//
> 	// JS function for mouse-out
> function out(name,imgObj)	
> But this leads to the result, that the next lines with initialization
> are not executed any more:
> var vBoxCount = new Array(1); // number of select boxes
> var v = new Array(); // variants
> vBoxCount["tt_products"] = 10;
> v["tt_products"] = new Array(10);
> v["tt_products"][0] = "color";
> You should add those lines below of the other functions.
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