[TYPO3-shop] Single_View Products IMAGEs

Tobias Hochgürtel tobias at thochguertel.de
Tue Mar 4 20:37:17 CET 2008

Hello World?!

I want to patch or better said extend mt local copy of tt_products. I have 
bought the Version 2.6.0 and upgrade my Shop successfully. okay Great ;)

But I'm not familiar with Typo3 and Developing I have read and write me down 
some things. I have read the source Code of tt_products and now I want to 
extend / edit the output of the product Image. 

When I have correct understand the source code of the file:


then should the marker ###PRODUCT_IMAGE### create and filled in Line: 357

			$markerArray = array();
			$itemTableArray[$this->type]->getItemMarkerArray (

and for the article Images

			if ($this->type == 'article')	{

in Line 597, 

$content = $this->pibase->cObj->substituteMarkerArrayCached($itemFrameWork,
will the Variable $content get all the Code of the SubParts / Markers.. 

The function "getItemMarkerArray()" creates this Marker and fill it with the 
Images and returns an array with the Images..

No I don't know if I have understand all things right?
How can I know edit this Marker / the way of filling in the Images? 
Wraping some content around Images / saving them in an other array? and so I 
can work with the new array? 

Can somone help me a bit? I'm not a fully programmer yet, so Idon't know if I 
have analyse the souce code right. 

best regards

Tobias Hochgürtel

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