[TYPO3-shop] Problems with tt_products: backlink in Basket, clickintobasket in singleview, continue shopping

Katharina webshopper at arcor.de
Mon Mar 3 18:50:56 CET 2008

>> The only thing still not working is the update of the item count in the
>> basket.
>> When adding an item which is already in the basket, the item number is
>> NOT increased.
>> Update_mode is set only on the basket page - and there it ist needed. If
>> I remove it there, the user can no longer remove items from the basket.
>> Do you possibly have an idea what's wrong here? Or what I might change
>> to acchieve updating of the item count?
> set alwaysUpdateOrderAmount=0
> - Franz
Thanks very much again. It is working alright now.

There's only one thing left now: I do not know how to add a link 
"continue shopping" using the backPID as you suggested to the basket 
view. Do I have to change the code in 
class.tx_ttproducts_basket_view.php to acchieve this?


Katharina Zugberg

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