[TYPO3-shop] tt_products 2.7.0 Fileextension 'jpg/pdf' not allowed

Niels Tiedt typo3_coder at arcor.de
Mon Mar 3 16:09:52 CET 2008

sorry i have changed my account.
this happen at the BE in listview when i create a normal product with an 
image an save it.
but also when i create an normal image content element
that is the reason for my 2. post at the [TYPO3-german] mailinglist
i hope this is ok because i found the error first at creating content 
for tt_products

the error appears when:
- i create an normal content element and use browse to upload the file
- i create an normal product and use browse to upload the file and/or 
use the file-wizard(fileadmin)

it not appears when:
- i create an normal content element and use the fileadmin


> Hello Niels,
>> When I create a product with an image or a pdf it appears following error
>> "Fileextension 'jpg/pdf' not allowed"
>> Settings under BE/Configurations looks correct
>> $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['imagefile_ext'] =
>> 'gif,jpg,jpeg,tif,bmp,pcx,tga,png,pdf,ai';
>> For test purposes i have changed the allowed value for image in tca.php
>> 'allowed' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext'],
>> to
>> 'allowed' => 'gif,jpg,jpeg,pdf',
>> but nothing changes
>> Hope you can help
> where does this happen?
> Maybe you do not use the correct code.
> - Franz
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