[TYPO3-shop] Problems with tt_products: backlink in Basket, clickintobasket in singleview, continue shopping

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Mon Mar 3 15:02:06 CET 2008

Katharina Zugberg a écrit :

> - When clicking on the links of items in the basket, I am not directed
> back to the product's detail page but the website's start page.
> Obviously the parameter backPID is not correct or not used. How can I
> fix this?

You must set PIDitemDisplay .

> - ClickIntoBasket does not work properly in single view. When adding a
> product in single view, the product is added to the basket, but the user
> remains on the single view page and is not directed to the basket page.
The lines in iew/class.tx_ttproducts_single_view.php could be changed:

$backPID = $this->pibase->piVars['backPID'];
$backPID = ($backPID ? $backPID : t3lib_div::_GP('backPID'));
$basketPID = $this->conf['PIDbasket'];

if ($this->conf['clickIntoBasket'] && $basketPID)	{
	$pid = $basketPID;
} else if ($this->conf['clickIntoList'] || !$backPID)	{
	$pid = $this->page->getPID($this->conf['PIDlistDisplay'],
$this->conf['PIDlistDisplay.'], $row);
} else if ($backPID) {
	$pid = $backPID;
} else {
	$pid = $TSFE->id;

> - When I add a product again to the basket, the number of items is not
> increased but stays 1.

This is update mode. If you do not want this, you must remove this
hidden input tag from your page.

> - Is it possible to add a link to the basket view which allows the user
> to continue shopping from the page where he was last? I mean other than
> using javascript:history.back(); ;)

You have the backPID parameter for this. This backPID page should
normally be used.

- Franz

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