[TYPO3-shop] Re: [Typo3-shop] CSS based tt_products template

Nick Weisser typo3 at openstream.ch
Thu Feb 2 20:24:31 CET 2006

Hi Robert,

> I try to avoid tables wherever possible, to make life easier for
> disabled visitors and for users with mobile devices.

That's a good point. I didn't take this into consideration.

I recently read about making tables more accessible for screen readers. 
There are some helpful tag attributes that can do a lot for people with 

> form, which are read fluently in a screen-reader, rather than a table 
> with "[table cell one]: headline. [table cell two]: image alt text. 
> [table cell three]: bodytext. and so on...". 

I've never tested a screen-reader, but from what I've read the abbr, 
scope and headers attribute should do a pretty good job in this regard.

> I could send you a template that we use via pm, if you are interested. 
> It was created for version 2.0.5 and doesn't use all markers, but after 
> all, it's XHTML 1.1 and - except for the basket content list - table-less.

I would really appreciate that :-)


Openstream Internet Solutions

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