[Typo3-shop] template problem with 2.2.9

Simon Dawes simon.dawes at cerebrum.com.au
Wed Sep 28 07:18:04 CEST 2005


I have just updated from version 2.2.4 to 2.2.9 ot tt_products and have 
a few problems!

The major one at the moment is that on all pages I have a small over 
backet that just list the total number of item in the basket.

to do this I have the following code in my root template

# Substitute the ###sidenav### subpart with some example content:
# using the mini basket from tt_products to do this now
subparts.sidenav < plugin.tt_products
subparts.sidenav.code >
subparts.sidenav.code = OVERVIEW

With a suitably modified template this has been working really nicely

Now with version 2.2.9 I get a huge error page displaying saying I need 
to set this with the flexform - as this is done in the template I can't 
do that!

I have also noticed that where as in the past I could leave the staring 
point for the plugin on a page blank and it would default to that page, 
I now need to set a starting point or I get the same error as above.

So I'm not cetain if the code I have is fine but needs additonal info 
for staring point or something else.

I'll look at the code but any pointers would be very welcome

Cheers Simon

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