[Typo3-shop] Is anyone has ever link tt_products with a bank gateway ?

Frederic Gueho fgueho at sqli.com
Thu Sep 22 23:31:24 CEST 2005

Thank you very much for your time and your effort. I apreciate that.
I know all what you're doing is for free and I really admire you for your 
participation to the TYPO3 community.

Returning to my tt_product installation, it's much better now ! I don't know 
what has changed but it almost works !  :)

Now the handleScript starts and I can see the DIBS template but I have 2 
remaining problems :

1. I don't know where to put the "paymentActivity = finalize" or 
"paymentActivity = order" line.
I tried to put it everywhere in my setup TS but it didn't change anything. 
The handleScript is always started after I've clicked the "finalize" order 

2. If I put the "<input type="hidden" name="products_cmd" value="cardno" />" 
line in the "BASKET_PAYMENT_TEMPLATE" it works.
But if I put it in "BASKET_INFO_TEMPLATE" it doesn't works.
I think the reason comes from the Problem numer 1.

3. When I put "relayURL = test.php", I have this error :
Invalid url sent to relay.cgi: 
think it comes from this part of the line : "test.php&products_cmd=...".It 
should be : "test.php?products_cmd=...".What can I do to correct it ?THANK 
YOU !! 

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